Website and SEO

On our website there are already many articles on SEO issues, and there are materials in which the issues of usability are consecrated. But, unfortunately, there is no comparative review, i.e. we have not yet written about how to properly combine both (i.e. usability with SEO and vice versa). We're closing the gap.

The first thing to note is that when promoting and promoting the site and both technologies go side by side - through such technologies, we achieve that search engines pay attention to our project, well, a well built usability, makes the user scan the resource as we need.


If you don't fully understand the very meaning of the term "usability," we recommend a good article called "Components of the Site's Usability" (/Articles/Based/Content/usability.php) - it tells not only what it is, but also gives specific tips on how to make sure that you're five points worth.

And now, let's describe a little the main ways of combining SEO technologies and usability - points of contact in these phenomena, as mentioned above, not so much!

1. Let's start with the content content of the site.

As a rule, text content - and this is the main component of any web resource - is one of the main "links" between SEO and usability.
For example, search engines find the site through well-optimized text, and the user who gets to this text, gets an idea of the subject to which the material, article, etc.
the user's critical fire and how much they like our text will directly affect sales, clicks and registration.

There are two errors in the network when dealing with content.

The first mistake - optimizers, in pursuit of visitors from search engines, seek to stuff the text as many keywords, and this directly leads to the fact that the content becomes completely unreadable for the average person. If you have not come across such pages, just travel to the Internet! You will be sure that this error from the category of "illiterate usability" is extremely common, i.e. sites that are made for search engines, not for people not to count.

The second mistake - the owner of the site completely ignores the requirements of SEO, but by all means strives to make his texts look in an attractive way for the user. There are a lot of such sites too! Never forget about SEO with competent optimization search engines immediately begin to supply you with very fat traffic. Just a little subdued over the alignment of the keymen and you will be happy!

That would not allow the above-mentioned errors when promoting the site, it should be remembered - only a competent combination of SEO and usability will have an effect. It is necessary to act comprehensively - as they say "both ours and yours." :-)

Here's some advice on creating well-optimized text (both for search engine and under visitor):

- When writing PR (advertising, etc.) texts, try to use the work of professional copywriters. This will not only create jobs for them! Your text will really be optimized in "seo-usability" mode.

- When you publish your content, be sure to pay attention to the location of the text relative to the page. Keep in mind that the criteria for determining the importance of text for a search bot and an ordinary user are very similar.

For example, a portion of the text at the top of the page will be more important than the text at the bottom. Another example? You are welcome! Tagging headlines, subtitles, and other sections in the main content will give: a. SEO effect (the bot will immediately give importance to the keyword highlighted bold text), b. increase usability (text readerability will improve, as well as orientation in content). In short, there are a lot of examples, but the volume of this article, unfortunately, does not allow it to do so.

2. Now let's talk briefly about internal relinking, because this technology directly affects not only good SEO indicators, but also the length of time the user stays on the site.

What can I say? Of course, from the point of view of SEO, the re-link should be competent - this and the horse is clear! We will increase, for example, Page Rank by re-linking our pages. Well, from the point of view of usability - to redolink their pages should be based solely on the needs of the user. It all depends on the subject of your site - for example, a page dedicated to the theme "A" must necessarily refer to other, similar sections on the subject.

When you're relinking pages, don't forget about the possibilities of the so-called "site map." You can read about what it is in the articles "Creation of a site map" (/Articles/Promoution/using-site-map.php) and "Creating a site map for Google" (/Articles/Promoution/creation-sitemap-for-google.php)

The site map not only allows the visitor to understand how your site works, but also gives the search robot specific instructions on indexing the existing content. Moreover, with frequent updates in the text content of the resource, the map of the site will also play the role of bait for the search bot.

Thus, a good internal relinking of the resource (supplemented by a map of the site) will give not only good traffic from the search engine - it will contribute to the shee and the fact that the user will be on the site for a very long time.

3. Now let's focus on scripts.

In general, it is worth noting that the use of scripts - this is one of the most sensitive topics. That's right! For example, we make the site exclusively on scripts - we get a good usability, but suffers SEO. And vice versa. Remember that sites built on scripts with great difficulty are indexed by search engines - the text in the drop-out and drop menus is unlikely to get into the index of the search engine (as well as the link to the required page - the page itself).

Experienced optimizers tend to avoid oversaturation of the site with scripts. Use useful beauty scripts wisely!

4. Home site.

The main page (the muzzle of the site) is not only what the visitor of your site sees! Search bots also very tremulously watch everything that happens on the title page and mercilessly punish the web mastres for any spam tricks concerning substitutions and other dynamic changes in its code.
Can come out even so that, being a conscientious webmaster and wanting only good to its visitors, you will come across a total rejection of your actions by search bots. With the muzzle of the site you have to be very careful, and if you have also dynamic content, then you should be doubly careful!

Let's give a typical example, when the desire to make good usability on the main page of the site goes against the policy of search engines (or rather with search algorithms, filters, etc.). See. We can make the site's main page usability so that it will change the text depending on what keyword the visitor gets on it. Such tricks are done by many! For example, this is what they do when they want to optimize a page for a particular type of visitors (say, a user goes to the site to buy a refrigerator - the main page is sharpened under the store refrigerators ... etc.). In principle, such a move can very well improve sales, conversion - will be from it and some other benefits. But! Search engines can perceive your efforts to make a successful usability for spam!

The fact that this kind of "content spoofing" bears the name "cloaking" in SEO-dictionaries. Cloaking is perceived by any search engine as spam - because such substitutions can significantly affect the issuance. This term is often used by "black" siers and in more detail about it you can read in a small article bearing the name

"What is cloaking?" (/Articles/Based/Terminology/cloacking.php). (it's all told simply and clearly). Well, if you do not want to read, just remember that for cloaking you can fly into a very cruel disment to search engines (pessimization and ban).
Graphic text.

In pursuit of beauty in the headlines, many webmasters lose the SEO potential that is inherent in any headlines. Never forget that the algorithm "win in usability - lose in SEO" is nothing but a lapsus. By the way, what about users who disable pictures in their browsers? They won't see your beautiful graphic headlines! And by means of built-in browser search on the page, such graphic text will not be found (as well as highlight-copy).

In our opinion, making graphic text on your site you not only harm your SEO, but also alienate visitors (who can later become customers!). Remember that not every browser your site looks the same - Mozil, Opera and Internet Explorer, for example, are built on completely different engines! What's more, the resolution of the monitor installed by the visitor of your site also plays a role. Therefore, we strongly recommend to adhere to the rule - graphic text is not desirable to use (or as an option - it should be used as rarely as possible).

Let's sum up a small sum of all of the above. What are the most common mistakes on the part of SEO and usability?

1. Text content of the site or strongly "re-optimized" by keywords or, conversely, "under-optimized." Be sure to pay attention to this aspect - the frequency of keywords should be 5-8%!

2. Do not experiment very much with the muzzle of the site. It may be that usability from this and will benefit, but to anger the search engine is also not worth it.

3. Try to use as few scripts as possible. Usability is usability, and SEO is SEO! Everything should get into the search engine index!!!

4. Don't use graphic texts - they affect both usability and SEO!

Usually, in large Internet companies, when promoting a web project, the first thing they want to hire is to hire two professional workers - a usability and an optimizer. How well-coordinated their work will be and how they will interact with each other depends on an extremely much (if not all!). Do not forget that even if you are not able to use hired labor yet, then a little thinking with your head and reading the useful advice of experienced selooshes, you can easily under-talk in the field of usability and optimizer in one bottle!


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