Search engine index
Search engine index is a network resource database that is constantly updated and modified to reflect how often search bots discover new pages or changes in existing sites.
Change is changing content, having a new link, or changing the link system. If the site is new, it takes some time that it would be indexed by the search engine - only then can you hope to meet it in the search results. The indexation period takes from 2 days to two weeks and it all depends on the specific search engine.
For example, according to statistics, Google has the highest indexation rate. The indexing takes place as follows - the bot finds the page and compares its contents with what it knows about it. If the page was only born, it appears in the index as a new page, if it has old content, the bot goes on its business and does nothing. Schematically everything looks simple.
But in order for the site to be indexed as much as possible, it is necessary to create a friendly interface for the bot, which means - the site code must satisfy the parameters that will allow the bot to climb the links from the Index page deep into the site. To do this, we should strive to adhere to a number of conditions, among which it is necessary to name, first, the depth of references. Very well indexed pages, where, even to the furthest, you can get three transitions from the main, and if such an opportunity is not, it is useful to create a map of the site.
Secondly, if you want the whole page to be indexed, it is advantageous to do it not very voluminous, because the bot indexes only the first 100-200 kb. Text. And in the third - search engines do not always understand the scripts and if they are overloaded with navigation, the bot will most likely not index the site well in depth. Therefore, it is advisable to make alternative html links.
Finally, it must be said that the more external links the site has, the faster it will be re-indexed.
Translated by Roadstour SEO Team