Resource citation index and keyword frequency

The idea of searching for information, both on the Internet and in any other database, is an ever-evolving field of activity and the further we move away from the source, the more difficult it is for an outside observer. But it's never too late to understand - there's really nothing complicated. So. The main thing for a person who is looking for something is to find exactly what he needs. And, this is the main thing, in the language of the search service, called relevance. This term refers to the compliance of a request that a user enters into a search form and the accuracy of the response that the search engine gives to the same query. In order for your site to be found by a search engine, you need to understand the parameters by which it is looking and allow it to lick this information. There are two key points that affect a particular search result: the first is the frequency of keywords and the second is the citation index.

Let's stop at the first moment. So, what is the keyword and its frequency? Let's say you've searched for the word , clicked the button to look for the answer. What does a machine do when it browses its database in search of your query? That's right - she's looking for documents where the word "lt"gt), forms hyperlinks on them and throws them to your IP address in a readable form. That's what the key word is. But here begins the most interesting - for what reason, a certain part of the links to documents containing the word zlt;zgt; is at the top of the page and immediately catches the eye, and the other - at the bottom or even on the other page of the search result, which click on the bookmark? If you think that those links that are placed at the top were found first, and the bottom - the last, then you are deeply mistaken.

It's not that. The machine, carrying out the search, is guided by the principle of the frequency of the keyword frequency (in our case, the more the word is found in the document, the more likely it is to display a page in the front rows of the list, which the search engine builds on the basis of your request. Therefore, when building the content of the website and its pages, you need to pay attention to keywords that you think a person will type into a search form, trying to find the information that you can offer him. And of course, if your site is dedicated to the press and this word occurs only once or twice, then the probability that the keyword is actually zero. : )

The second point is the site's citation index. If everything was based only on the frequency of a keyword, everything would be just to the point of ugliness, and this - not interesting .:) If seriously - the technology of keyword frequency is only one of the elements of search, which is guided by the search robot doing its routine work. The citation index is another important element that needs to be taken into account (or rather - to develop) when promoting a website. Let's deal with it. Do you have friends on the Internet who are interested in what you are? Are they the owners of a site that has content similar to yours? If so, why don't you exchange links and, say, place a friend's website address in your section dedicated to useful links? And, of course, why don't your friend do the same on his website?

Thus - when someone goes to the site, where there is a link on you, then this visitor has the opportunity to familiarize himself with what you have prepared for him and all that is required of the person - click on the link. It's called link sharing and it's useful. But back to the search engines. The search engine constantly monitors all the changes taking place in the cyber space (at least - it is trying to do it, for which it is not invested small intellectual costs). There is a situation - on your site there is a link elsewhere and the search engine knows about it. She tracked it down. Does this mean that your site has risen to a higher level? Of course!

Now a special algorithm, performed on the search server, when searching for information related to your topic, will take into account the fact that your site knows someone else - because it has a link to you. That's the quote. The more often your site will be referenced (or more accurately quoted his address on the Internet), the higher it will rise in its ranking, the higher place it will take on the page issued by the search engine for a specific request for a keyword. The term index can be defined as an indicator. It's as simple as that. Raising the index of citation of your site can not only by exchanging links with friendly sites, but also by subscribing in special directories and some other ways.

In short, this is the case and it seems that there is nothing complicated. Theory.

In practice, however, everything looks more complicated and if you dig the topic of keywords and index citation, the wilds begin. But about it - in a special article.

Translated by SEO Team 


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